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HomeCampus NewsPorprov 2022, UAP Lecturer Wins Gold in Javelin Throw

Porprov 2022, UAP Lecturer Wins Gold in Javelin Throw

LAMPUNG (UAP) – Felinda Sari, S.Pd., M.Or Lecturer of Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Aisyah Pringsewu University won a gold medal at PORPROV IX Lampung 2022 in the javelin throwing sport.

This year's porprov, including Bandar Lampung City, Pringsewu Regency, Tanggamus Regency, Pesawaran Regency, Metro City, Way Kanan Regency, North Lampung Regency, West Lampung Regency, South Lampung Regency, East Lampung Regency, Central Lampung Regency, West Coast Regency, Tulang Bawang Regency, Mesuji Regency, West Bawang Bone Regency.

For the gold medal at the Lampung Provincial Sports Week (PORPROV) IX, Rector of Aisyah Pringsewu University Wisnu Probo Wijayanto, S.Kep., Ners., MAN expresses its appreciation and pride for the success that has been achieved by Felinda Sari, S.Pd., M.Or, on behalf of the campus I congratulate and succeed, this is a great achievement. We are grateful and proud because he has won gold medals at PORPROV IX Lampung 2022 in the javelin throwing sport," said the Rector.

The entire community of Aisyah Pringsewu University congratulates & success Felinda Sari, S.Pd., M.Or Homebase Lecturer of Physical Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Aisyah Pringsewu University for the Achievement won by the Gold Medal. (*na)

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